
Traditional Chinese Herbs That You Need To Know

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Chinese herbs are a special category of medicines that can strengthen the immune system. They inhibit the growth of the tumor, regulate the blood pressure and boost the libido. There are numerous herbs, including herbs that are considered common, and herbs that are jealously kept secrets of the traditional Chinese herbalists.

Traditional Chinese Herbs
Ginseng is widely spread root with rejuvenating and healing properties. The Korean ginseng counters exhaustion and stimulates the cerebral cortex as well as extreme infirmity. It helps to recharge the wasted energy and the body liquids. In addition, it stimulates the libido and eliminates toxins from your body. Its taste is mildly bitter sweet.

Reishi mushrooms or Lingzhi mushroom (black and red) are another herb in the category of valuable Chinese herbs. These strengthen the immune system and increase vitality of white blood corpuscles. They have strong antioxidant properties. These mushrooms have calming effect and they relieve insomnia and some female disorders.

The Lotus seed is one of the most necessary Chinese herbs. It is good for the kidney and the spleen, and it relieves diarrhea. It has sweet neutral taste and stimulates appetite.

The Licorice root refreshes your body, it cools it and detoxifies it. It acts as analgesic and it may be used as a sweetener as well.

Ginkgo biloba (Maidenhair Tree) is the oldest herb in Chinese medicine. It is good for the heart and the lungs. It is used against cough, asthma and chronic allergic inflammations. It belongs to the best nutritional supplements.

Gui Zhi (Cinnamon) is used for treatment of menstrual disorders, irregular menstruation and stomach cramps. It is also used for treatment and prevention of cold. GUI Zhi (cinnamon) is good against various circulatory disorders, including chest pain, stiffness and arthritis.

Traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese herbs originated in ancient China and has evolved over thousands of years. In China, people use herbal medicines to treat or prevent health issues. In the US, traditional Chinese herbs are used primarily as a complementary health approach.