
Best Effective Natural Tips to Improve and Maintain Your Oral Health

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Every single person wants to have strong teeth and gums. When we have healthy teeth and gums, then we have a beautiful smile but also this indicate that you have a good oral health and hygiene that play a very important part of our lives. When we have a good oral health, then this can help you to prevent cavities and yellowed or stained teeth as well as bad breath. This is also very important for your overall health. There are many studies in which is said that the oral problems, oral bacteria and inflammation can lead to many other health problems such as oral cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, irritable bowel syndrome, strokes and heart disease. Women who have oral disease also show higher incidences of pre – term and low birth – weight babies. Gum disease, tooth pain and other oral problems can affect people in psychological way. The health of your teeth and gums has a direct influence on how you speak, look, chew and taste food. Also this problem can make some people shy and will keep them away from socializing. We know that the dental treatments are too expensive. If you have a good oral health, then this can help you to save hundreds of dollars. But there are also some simple natural cures and home remedies which can help you to keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy from childhood to old age. If you want to have a good oral health, then you should maintain a proper oral hygiene. This means that you need to brush your teeth at least twice per day. Floss your teeth once or twice per day (it is preferably after dinner) and you should rinse your mouth after each meal. You should use a mouthwash at least once per day.

Here are some natural cures for maintaining good oral health:

Licorice root can help you to keep your teeth and gums healthy. There are some studies in which is said that this natural cure has two elements (licorisoflavan A and licorice) which can help you to kill the bacteria responsible for gum disease and tooth decay which is the leading cause of tooth loss in children and adults. You should use a small amount of dried licorice root powder to brush your teeth at regular basis. Also you can use a soft licorice stick like a toothbrush to brush your teeth every day.

Green tea: 
There are some studies in which is said that the green tea can be promising home remedy in oral health. Green tea has some components such as catechins, polyphenols and fluoride which can destroy the bacteria that can gum disease, cavities and tooth decay. This home remedy can help you to prevent bad breath. You should drink three to four cups of green tea every day. If you want to have a good oral health, then you should drink green tea without honey or sugar. Also you should chew sugarless gum which is made with this natural cure.

Indian lilac: 
This home remedy is also known as neem. It has antibacterial properties which can help you to have good oral health because it can destroy the bacteria which cause gum disease, gingivitis, plaque and cavities. There is a study in which is said that the Indian lilac is effective natural treatment for plaque – induced gingivitis. You should grind two to three neem leaves into a paste. You should use this paste to brush you should use this paste to brush your teeth a few times per week. You can also rub the juice from this natural cure on your gums and teeth. You should let this home remedy to stay on your gums and teeth for five minutes. Then, you should rinse them off with warm water. You should do this natural treatment once per day. Also you can use a twig from Indian lilac tree to brush your teeth.

Guava leaves: 
Guava leaves are one of the best home remedies in the treatment of the periodontal disease. Guava leaves have antioxidant, anti – inflammatory, antiplaque and antimicrobial properties which can help you to keep your teeth and gums strong. This home remedy can help you to keep you to keep your breath clean and fresh. Herbalists are recommending using tender leaves or tender twigs of guava trees to maintain oral hygiene. You should chew a few well – washed tender guava leaves thoroughly. Then, you should spit them out. Also you can grind some tender guava leaves and you should it as toothpaste to brush your teeth. There is another option which you can make. You can prepare a mouth rinse by boiling four to six guava leaves in one cup of water for about five minutes. You should strain the water and you should allow it to cool. You should use this natural treatment as your daily mouthwash.

This home remedy has anti – inflammatory and antibacterial properties which can help you to keep your teeth free from bacterial infection and keep your gums healthy. There was one study in which is said that the turmeric mouthwash can be effective in controlling plaque and it can prevent gingivitis. You should add a small amount of water to ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder to make a paste. You should brush your teeth with this home remedy a few times per week. Also you can make a paste by mixing ½ teaspoon of mustard oil, ½ teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of turmeric powder. You should massage this natural cure on your teeth and gums once per day. Also there is another home remedy which you can make from turmeric. In one cup of water you should boil ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder. You should allow this remedy to cool. Then, you should use this natural cure as mouthwash once per day.

Oil pulling: 
Oil pulling is also known as oil swishing. This is an age – old practice which is used in Ayurveda that can help you to strengthen your jaw, gums and teeth and also it prevents tooth decay. It can draw out the bacteria from your mouth which means that it will keep your teeth healthy and also it will brighten your teeth. There are some studies in which is said that the oil pulling with sesame oil benefits in the treatment of plaque – induced gingivitis. Oil pulling cleanses your body and detoxifies it. This is good for your overall health and your oral health. You should put one tablespoon of sesame oil in your mouth. You should gently swish it off around for about twenty minutes. You should spit it out. You should avoid swallowing or gargling this natural cure. You should rinse your mouth out with warm water. You should use salt water because this will add antimicrobial benefits to your natural treatment. You should brush your teeth as usual. You should do this natural treatment once per day in the morning and on an empty stomach. You can also do this natural treatment using coconut oil.

This natural cure has antiseptic and antibacterial properties which can help you to maintain oral health and also they will keep your teeth and gums healthy for long period. There was one study about this natural cure in which is said that if you use peppermint mouthwash, then this can help you to eliminate the bad breath (a condition which is also known as halitosis). In a glass of hot water you should put a handful of peppermint leaves for thirty minutes. You should strain this home remedy and then you should use it to rinse your mouth. You should do this natural treatment at regular basis. Also there is another option which you can make. In a glass of water you should put a few drops of peppermint essential oil. You should use this natural cure to rinse your mouth.

This is an effective natural cure for maintaining good oral health. Basil is an excellent oral disinfectant and mouth freshener. This home remedy can help you to destroy the bacteria and germs in your mouth which are a reason for bad breath, plaque, cavities and more. This home remedy has astringent properties which can help the gums to hold your teeth tighter and they will protect you from falling out. You should dry a handful of fresh basil leaves in the sun for a couple of days. Then, you should make a powder from the dried leaves. You should use this natural cure to brush your teeth. You should chew four to five basil leaves every day. Also you can use a cooled basil tea as a mouth rinse.

Salt can strengthen your teeth and gums. It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties which can inhibit the growth of bacteria in your mouth. In a glass of warm water you should dissolve one teaspoon of salt. You should use this home remedy to rinse your mouth at least once per day. Also you can mix enough amount of mustard oil with ½ teaspoon of salt. Make a paste from them. You should use this paste to brush your teeth and then you should rinse them with warm water. You should do this treatment once per day in the morning.