
Achilles Tendon Home Remedy and Other Natural Cures

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When there is an overuse injury of your Achilles tendon, then you have a condition which is known as Achilles tendinitis. This tendon is attaching your calf muscles at the back of your lower leg to your heel. This is a very common problem in younger and middle – aged people who are doing some sport activities such as volleyball, basketball, tennis, softball, baseball, football, dance, gymnastics and running. When you have sudden increase in the intensity or the amount of your physical activity, then you can easily get this condition. Also you can get Achilles tendon injury when you are doing lots of jumping, running on hard surfaces or when you are not stretching properly before exercising.  Also if you are not wearing shoes with proper support or you wear high heels for extended hours, then you have also chances to get Achilles tendon injury. Also there are some factors that can increase the chances of getting Achilles tendon injury taking certain types of antibiotics, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and flat feet. When you are walking or running, then you can feel a pain above your heal and along the back of your leg which is the main symptom of this condition. Also there are other symptoms which are associated with this disease such as difficulty walking, standing, stiff muscles, swelling and tenderness when touched. If you suffer from this disease, then you should talk with your doctor about the treatment. Following are some of the Achilles tendon home remedy:

Here are some Achilles tendon home remedy and natural cures:
  • Cold compress: This Achilles tendon home remedy can help you to reduce the swelling and pain which are the main symptoms of this condition. Also it can help you to relax the affected muscles. In a thin towel you should put a few ice cubes and you should tie the towel on secure way. You should put the towel on the affected areas and let it stay there in a period of 10 – 15 minutes. You should repeat this treatment as long as you need. Also a bag of frozen peas will have the same effect with the ice pack. What is important to know is that you should not apply ice directly on your skin because in this way it can causes you frostbite.
  • Stretching: Before you start with your sport activities it is very important to warm up your body because in this way your muscles will be active and healthy. This means that it can prevent you from stress on some parts of your body such as Achilles tendon. You should have at least two stretching throughout your day. You need to do them for five or ten minutes because they can increase your flexibility and also you will have better protection from disease.
  • Ginger: This is also very effective Achilles tendon home remedy because it has antioxidant and anti – inflammatory properties. It can help you to reduce the pain, inflammation and swelling. Also the ginger can improve circulation in the affected areas. You should drink two to three cups of ginger tea per day. In 1½ cups of water you should simmer one tablespoon of thinly sliced ginger because in this way you will make a tea. You should simmer it in a period of ten minutes. You should strain this remedy. Then, you should add honey in the tea and then you should drink it. Also you can add ginger in your everyday cooking. Also you can consume ginger supplements but you must talk with your doctor before you start using them. Also you can massage the affected areas with ginger oil. You should do this Achilles tendon home remedy a few times per day.
  • Proper shoes: One of the most essential ways to prevent Achilles tendinitis is to wear proper shoes. It is very important for athletes and people who have physical activities to wear supportive and appropriate shoes. If you do not wear proper shoes, then the chances of getting Achilles tendinitis.
  • Lifestyle changes: People who suffer from Achilles tendinitis should quit smoking because it can make them a poor circulation. If they quit smoking, then this can speed up the healing process and also it can help them to avoid serious conditions.
  • Turmeric: if you suffer from Achilles tendonitis, then you can use turmeric as your natural remedy. It has one chemical compound which is known as curcumin. This chemical has anti – inflammatory properties which can help you to reduce the swelling and pain. In one cup of milk you should put one teaspoon of turmeric powder and boil it. You should simmer this remedy for five minutes. You should add small amount of honey in it. Then, you should drink this Achilles tendon home remedy two times per day until you have noticed improvements in your condition. Also there you have a choice to use curcumin supplements but you must talk with your doctor before you start using them.
  • Epsom salt: Epsom salt is also a very effective home remedy for Achilles tendonitis. It has magnesium as its component which can help you to heal from injured muscles and sores. This Achilles tendon home remedy can reduce the swelling and pain and also it will relax your muscles. In a small tub which is filled with warm water you should add one half cup of Epsom salt. You should stir well until you have noticed that the Epsom salt is dissolved. You should soak the affected leg in this warm water in a period of 30 minutes. You should repeat this Achilles tendon home remedy.
  • Vitamin E: This Achilles tendon home remedy can help you to get a relief from the pain and inflammation because it is a fat – soluble antioxidant. Also it can help you to rid of the free radicals which in many cases are a reason for Achilles tendonitis. It can help you to improve the circulatory function which can promote the healing and reduces swelling. You should massage the affected areas with Vitamin E oil two to three times per day until you have noticed that there is not a pain on those areas. Also you can eat foods that are rich with Vitamin E or you can consume Vitamin E supplements but you need to talk with your doctor about the recommended intake amount.
  • Warm wraps or elastic bandages: If you want to reduce the stress on your affected muscles, then you should apply compressive or wraps, elastic bandages on those places. It will help you to speed up the healing process and also you will decrease the swelling. In almost every market you can find elastic bandages or warm wraps. You should wrap your lower leg and foot with compression wrap or elastic bandage. When you are doing this method you should keep your legs elevated because in this way you will reduce the blood flow in those areas. You should keep it wrapped in a period of few days or until you have noticed that you got a relief from the soreness and swelling. Also you should not wrap it too tightly because this will lead to poor circulation. If you have increased pain or other symptoms, then you should loosen the wrap.
  • Castor oil: If you suffer from Achilles tendonitis, then the castor oil is also very effective home remedy for you. This oil is comprised of ricinoleic acid which has anti – inflammatory properties. Also it has dual pro – inflammatory and capsaicin – like properties that can help you to win against this condition. You should apply castor oil on the affected areas. You should do this treatment two to three times per day. This Achilles tendon home remedy will minimize the inflammation of the tendon and also it will give you a relief from the pain.
  • Apple cider vinegar: This is also a very effective Achilles tendon home remedy because it has alkalizing and anti – inflammatory properties. This Achilles tendon home remedy will help you to reduce the inflammation and pain. In a small tub of hot water you should add 1 cup of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar. You should soak your affected leg in this water in a period of twenty to thirty minutes. You should do this Achilles tendon home remedy once per day until you have noticed improvements in your condition. Also you can add one teaspoon of honey and one to two teaspoons of unfiltered and raw apple cider vinegar in one glass full of how water. You should drink this Achilles tendon home remedy two times per day if you want to have the best results.
  • Massage: If you suffer from Achilles tendonitis, then you can use massage for getting a relief from this condition. When you are massaging your legs in a gentle way, then you are reducing stiffness, swelling, relax the muscles and increase the circulation. You can use mustard, sesame, coconut or olive oil for your massage. You should choose some of the mentioned oils and then you should slightly warm it. You should use your fingers to massage gently the heel and lower part of your foot. Do this massage in a period of ten to fifteen minutes. You should repeat this treatment several times per until you have noticed that you have not pain. If you cannot massage on your own, then you must talk with some family member, friend or a professional massage therapist and to help you with this Achilles tendon home remedy.