
What is Ketosis? A Key to Weight Loss

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What is Ketosis?  A Key to Weight Loss

The ketogenic diet is popular and efficient.

We know it will help lose weight and progress health.

Do you know, when followed the right way, this high-fat, low-carb diet elevates ketone level in the blood?

This provides energy for the growth of cells and certain health benefits. Several health adaptations, body accompanies at this diet, such as high-fat breakdown and insulin reduction.

Upon reaching this stage, the liver starts supplying right level of energy through ketones to a brain. Ketosis symptoms both can be good or bad but first, we will discuss what ketosis is?

What Is Ketosis?
A state that results due to low-carb eating that raises glucose level of blood is ketosis. It is a natural state of body that is entirely fueled by fatty food; it may occur during fasting.

Ketones that does not take part in producing energy, excreted from the body in the form of urine. Once you understand what ketosis is, it will be helpful harnessing its benefits and avoiding its harms.

If low-level of ketosis occur in the short term, it is normal, but the high level in the short term may cause issues. In the long-run, there should be the regular level of ketosis.

Keto or ketones are smaller molecules in the body that provide fuel to you in a state when the glucose level is short. Ketones only produce, when there is the low level of carbohydrates in the body and average quantity of protein.

Ketones produced from fat in the liver delivered to the brain and act as energy fuel, for it does not consume fats but glucose.

Certain benefits come with ketosis, yet, some side effects too. Excessive ketosis can be dangerous in type 1 diabetes.

Fat Burning In Ketosis:
When whole energy supply in the body based on fat, insulin level lowers and burning of increases, it becomes possible to burn fat stores. Weight loss is the primary goal of keto diet and studies showed that this diet contributes more to shed weight.

The fastest way to get in ketosis is fasting-not eating at all for some time. Ketosis provides a state when brain burns fat in the form of ketones. Brain survives only when it gets required food. To keep the brain activities going, the fast way is providing it ketones. It is a misconception that brain needs carbohydrates.

The human body is smartest in functioning. The brain can consume fats happily, and don not needs carbs on a keto diet. Running on ketones makes the mind more efficient, energetic and focused. This speeds up fat loss, in case of weight loss goal.

Ketosis vs Ketoacidosis:
Do you know the difference between ketosis and Ketoacidosis? Ketosis is a state when body yields ketones; it may be low to high.

Ketoacidosis is the diabetic condition, characterized as DKA. It is a state when ketones are very high in blood, so blood turns acidic that is harmful to body.

How does Ketosis work?
Here, you’ll get to know the steps of turning on your ketosis level.
  1. A cut way down is consumption of carbs diet, extracting glucose from it, such as starchy veggies, fruits, and grains
  2. High level of fats to fuel your body, go for avocados, salmon and coconut oil
  3. Next, your body deprives glucose and to compensate that fats will be consumed to use energy so that ketones will be produced
  4. Ketones in your blood increases up to a state known as ketosis
  5. Lastly a consistent stage of weight loss occurs leading you towards a healthy body

Indeed, it is a complex healthy process, liver break down fat molecules into glycerol and fatty acids and this process is known as beta oxidation. Primary ketonic bodies are soluble in water are called beta-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate and acetone.

Upon processing, these molecules circulate in the bloodstream, and ketogenesis accompanied. When your body gets ketones in blood, your metabolism alters and this machine will act as fat burning.

Ketogenic diet is easy to follow once you understand its meal plan, follow low-carb food, count your macros and consume moderate level of protein.

Ketosis Symptoms:
Many people complain that when they reach ketosis, certain symptoms occur. They may be good or bad or you find them unpleasant.

Bad Breath

Full ketosis level may bring bad breath, a common side-effect of keto diet and breath gets a fruity smell. It is because of high level of ketones in your blood and main responsible item is acetone.

At start, you may find it less ideal for your social life but it can result positive later. You can brush your teeth thrice a day or use sugar-free chewing gums to combat the issue.

If you want to go or sugar free drinks, better is to go for low-carb smoothies or check the label first. If you’ll ignore this, you’ll end up reducing your ketone level and raising blood sugar.

Suppressed Appetite

Following a Ketogenic diet may suppress your appetite. This research is under investigation that how this happens. A logical point is that when you increase vegetable and protein intake, hunger reduction accompanies alteration in hunger hormone.

Ketones, also act to reduce appetite by affecting brain. The best indication that you’re in ketosis, is to monitor your hunger level, if it is suppressed, you’re in ketosis.

Increased Energy

Usually, at start of a low-carb diet, you will feel tiredness, brain fog or sickness. It is keto-flu that leads you to increased state of energy when you’re consistent.

This is the way to adapt fats, consume less carbohydrates and burning fat as a fuel. As the brain start working on ketones rather glucose, it may take time to come on a proper routine and functioning.

In a medical test, ketones are proved a potent fuel for brain in specific issues such as memory loss and concussion.

Many people quit the keto diet due to fatigue before entering into ketosis. The side effects of ketosis are natural and when body completely adapts a fat fueling system, it works in proper way. It takes time to follow a proper ketosis, usually 7-30 days.

Other Issues

When on a Ketogenic diet, you may feel issues in digestion because now there is a big change in meals and you’re now on a low-carb diet. Digestive issues such as diarrhea, constipation and loss of hunger are common.

When transition period passes, some issues subside. Eating healthy low-carb vegetables may curb the issues.

Another possible issue is insomnia. A sudden change in diet causes waking up in night due to cutting carbs in diet. After some weeks of ongoing diet, it decreases.

Many long term ketoers claim that they improved their sleep after couple of weeks adapting this diet.