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If you want to have healthy and radiant skin vitamin E is your best ally, it’s one of the most beneficial nutrients for good skin quality plus it’s cheap and available in almost every pharmacy.

The vitamin E pills are best known under the brand name Evion 400, buy a pack and pierce them to get the oil out of them. Below you will find the best uses for these amazing capsules for skin and hair care.

1. Vitamin E is the best natural skin moisturizer
For amazing looking skin add a few drops of Vitamin E to your regular night cream and mix it in. Apply this vitamin E enriched cream every night before going to bed.

2. Anti- aging product
Vitamin E is the best thing you can use to slow down the aging process and repair any age-related damage to your skin. This vitamin stimulates collagen production, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Just add a couple of drops to your anti-aging serum and apply it on the affected areas.

3. Best ally against sun burns
If you’ve spent a bit too much time under the sun vitamin E is all you need. Pierce a capsule and apply the oil on the sunburnt area, gently rubbing it in. Vitamin E abounds in antioxidants which will neutralize the free radicals damage and soothe your sunburns.

4. Eliminate dark spots
Vitamin E is great for removing dark spots, just mix it with some olive oil and apply it on the spots, they’ll soon disappear.

5. Skin cleaner
You can use vitamin E to cleanse your skin thanks to its emollient properties which make it an excellent cleaner. It will remove all the impurities and restore your skin oil balance. Apply some vitamin E oil on a cotton ball and wipe your face with it. You can even use it to remove your make up, it’ll give you better results than any make up remover.

6. Boosts hair growth
You can apply vitamin E to your hair to stimulate its growth, repair your damaged follicles and restore your hair’s glow. Mix it with your regular hair oil and use it as you normally do.

7. Prevent premature graying
Just as it’s effective against skin aging, vitamin E does wonders for your hair, preventing premature hair-graying better than any other product. Its abundance of antioxidants prevents tissue corrosion and reduces the risk of seeing those annoying gray hairs.

8. Long voluptuous hair
Use vitamin E in combination with your conditioner and you’ll see the amazing results this will have on your hair. It’ll make it shinier, healthier and longer than ever before.