
Here Are 7 Warning Signs You Have Blocked Arteries

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Poor circulation can be caused by many things but it can also be a sign of clogged arteries, which is a serious health problem. Clogged arteries can be life-threatening so it’s crucial that you recognize this condition in time and do something before it’s too late.

Whichever the cause, poor circulation is never healthy so if you suffer from this condition you need to consult with your doctor and start treating its underlying cause. Poor circulation can be caused by a number of things, from diabetes to low blood pressure and cardiovascular problems. Here are some of the most common factors that contribute to poor circulation:
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Unhealthy diet (fast food, trans fats and lots of refined sugars

The importance of good functioning circulation

Every organ in the body needs to receive the proper amount of blood and all the nutrients that blood carries along in order to function properly. If this process is somehow slowed down it can lead to organ failure and if some of your vital organs fail, like the heart or the brain, you can imagine the consequences.

We can compare our blood flow to traffic flow, if the circulation doesn’t run smoothly it’s similar to a traffic jam. In a traffic jam nothing gets done, there’s no productivity and we’re in a standstill situation. The same goes for your body, if your organs don’t get the necessary blood amount nothing will get done properly and your organs will stop functioning to their maximum.

Do you feel pain in your legs? Are you having cramps all the time? Do you feel constantly tired?

You might be suffering from PAD or peripheral artery disease.

But did you know that PAD is frequently misdiagnosed because its symptoms can easily be confused with symptoms of many other health problems and often physicians fail to diagnose it in time. And here’s the real problem, PAD can have serious consequences which is why it’s important that you diagnose it in time and do something to fix the condition.

PAD – Symptoms, prevention and treatment

PAD is a result of arterial plaque build up or atherosclerosis. As the years go by and the person suffering from atherosclerosis doesn’t do anything about it, the arterial plaque starts to harden, your arteries constrict and your body starts to choke. The most affected body part are the legs, or the arteries that go through your lower extremities.

What are the most common symptoms?
  • Cramping and leg pain
  • Leg numbness
  • Shiny skin
  • Wounds healing slower than usually
  • Leg hair loss

We must be aware that sometimes the symptoms are so mild that they’re hardly noticeable so it’s always best if you prevent the problem if it’s possible.

Prevention and Treatment

These are our top 3 advices when it comes to preventing and treating PAD:
  1. Be more physically active
  2. Consume more veggies and fruits
  3. Avoid alcohol and stop smoking

When it comes to your diet you should start consuming more ginger and garlic. You can benefit from vitamin E significantly so eat more almonds, sunflower seeds and brazil nuts. Increase your antioxidant levels, beta carotene, selenium and vitamin C, D and E. You know what you need to do right? Start buying organic and your circulation should improve in a short period of time.