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Flawless, radiant and acne-free beauty is a dream that every girl see. What you desire should be the reality, that’s what we want you to get through simple tips. Beauty secrets aren’t difficult to discover, but the fact is skin goes down deep. It is the visible outermost layer of our body that is not only much sensitive but has to perform several functions.

Skin is a shield between germs legion and bacteria and viruses. It protects you from UV rays, deep down cuts, harsh atmosphere, and scrapes. While we value touch that it gets to us, the sensation and feelings it provides is unmatchable. We must protect it from outer as well as inner harms by taking great care.

Women are more concerned about aging. As skin ages, wrinkles and spots appear on it; estrogen level drops down, sunlight exposure reduces its glamour and attractiveness fades. Among many factors that harm beauty in daily routine is poor diet, smoking, alcohol use, less estrogen level, UV exposure, dehydration, and stress.

Skin needs Care
Being a woman, it is your right to enhance your beauty and get unveiling beauty secrets. You cannot control aging process but adopt methods that can slow it down. Understand the fact that if you’re healthy inside, your skin is healthy outside. A well-nourished body has well-nourished epidermis. To avoid dry and thin epidermis, as we age, proper care is essential in youth. We use a lot of creams, lotions and beauty products to maintain skin, and keep it look young.

Avoid clogged pores; they harm epidermis too much. Pimples, black and white heads are unpleasant. Clogged pores are due to dead cells accumulation around pore walls and get wrapped in sebum. It causes blockage, and it increases with the use of beauty products if applied on a blocked surface. Oily surface welcomes them so better avoid heavy creams and lotions since they act as a barrier on the skin.

Keep yourself healthy, beautiful and young. To do it naturally, make sure to follow these steps:

Cool Showers are better for you:
Hot and long steamy showers may enhance dryness of skin; wash away essential oils from the surface of a body, according to a dermatologist in New York City.  Wise is to limit it to 10 minutes and enjoy a refreshing cold bath that accelerates body cells.

Remove Dead Skin Cells:
Do you know how to access dry skin? When you scratch a part of a body surface, sometimes it appears white. This is a clear indication that it needs exfoliation and moisturizer. You can apply best  cleanser or moisturizer and exfoliate skin to remove dead cells.

Use Baby Powder at Junction Points:
Parts of skin where skin coincides such as underarms, thighs and beneath breasts, apply baby powder to keep inner areas dry and clean. It is helpful to avoid a phenomenon called intertrigo, upon moisturizing such areas that allow bacteria and fungi to grow.

Enhance Water Intake:
Beauty has a lot to do with water. Hydrated skin is glamour, radiant and flawless. Water helps to remove impurities, toxicants and free radicals inside the body. Drink eight glasses daily and use fruits and vegetables high in water content. For instance, cucumber, watermelon, cantaloupe, orange, and strawberry are ready to go.

Use Skin Repairing Moisturizer:
Are you familiar with humectants? They are water lovers. They improve hydration quality of body surface when applied topically. Central agents having it are propylene glycol, glycerin, and urea. Beauty products with alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) are suitable to reduce wrinkles, aging sign, and acne scars.  AHAs are naturally present in apple, grapes, citrus, yogurt, and sour milk.

Adopt Workouts in Lifestyle:
Go out for a run, drive or exercise. Make your body sweat, for it eliminates toxic chemicals from the body. Exercise helps maintain the healthy flow of blood within the whole body. Keep protection while going out, like sunscreen, etc. to protect skin from dangerous UV rays. Physical activity also helps out maintaining your body shape as well as enhancing beauty.

Homemade is Best:
To get flawless beauty, it is always desirable to choose natural face masks. Fruits and vegetables provide sufficient level of anti-oxidants and diet supplements that compensates body deficiencies and make it glowing. You can use whipped cream, calendula petals, olive oil, and mashed avocado to make a paste. Apply on the overall face for 5 minutes and rinse. Avocado works to enhance essential beauty oil and provide you a youthful look. Fruit contains vitamin E that is a good moisturizer.

Eggs help to tighten face surface and removing wrinkles. Apply egg mask on face, neck, and hands. Always consider neck part, hands and foot because they need proper attention. Working on these skin care tips will offer you amazing results, and you will find no need for expensive beauty and anti-aging products.