
Home remedies for hypo thyroidism and hyper thyroidism

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Hypo thyroidism happens when the thyroid gland is underactive. This condition is affecting the body’s metabolism rate which is controlled primarily by the thyroid gland. The most common symptoms of hypo thyroidism are brittle fingernails and hair, depression, sudden weight gain, muscle cramping, hoarse voice, puffy face, dry skin, constipation, increased sensitivity to cold and fatigue. When our thyroid is overactive and produces excessive amounts of thyroxin hormone, then this condition is known as hyperthyroidism. The most common causes for this condition are benign lumps or nodules in the thyroid, excessive intake of iodine, abnormal secretion of thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH), inflammation of the thyroid gland and Graves’ disease. Every single person can suffer from this condition but women have 8 times more chances of getting hyperthyroidism compared to men. This condition can develop as early in their 30s but the symptoms of this condition are more common in women who are over 60. There are some signs which can indicate that you have hyperthyroidism such as difficulty sleeping, muscle weakness, fatigue, swelling at the base of the neck, changes in the menstrual cycle, excessive perspiration, nervousness, an irregular heartbeat and drastic weight loss. Many of the mentioned signs of hyperthyroidism can be common to other conditions so this is a reason why this condition cannot be diagnosed quickly. Before you start using some of the mentioned natural cures you need to talk with your doctor.

Home remedies for hypo thyroidism and hyper thyroidism
Fish oils: 
Fish oils are good natural cure for hypo thyroidism because they are increasing thyroid hormone uptake and maintaining healthy thyroid function. It is rich in omega – 3 fatty acids which means that it can fight against inflammation and increases immunity. You should take fish oil supplements after you have talked with your doctor, especially if you are taking blood thinners. The general dosage is up to three grams per day.

Apple cider vinegar: 
Apple cider vinegar is effective natural treatment for hypothyroidism. It helps regulate hormones and improves their energy metabolism, facilitates weight loss, restores acid alkaline balance and it aids detoxification. This home remedy is also very effective for other health problems such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and others. In a glass of warm water you should add 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar. You should add a small amount of honey in it. You should drink this home remedy every day on a regular basis.

Kelp is brown seaweed which is rich in iodine and other minerals. It is very effective home remedy for people who suffer from hypo thyroidism which is caused by iodine deficiency. This home remedy is not recommended for people who suffer from autoimmune thyroid problems because it can worsen this condition. You should talk with your doctor before you start taking kelp supplements. Your doctor will check if this natural cure is suitable for you and he or she will find the correct dosage which is specific to your condition.

Coconut oil:
Coconut oil is a very effective home remedy for hypo thyroidism because it contains medium – chain fatty acids which can help you to improve the thyroid functioning. It will boost the energy and it will stimulate metabolism. Also it will help raise the basal body temperature which is important for people who suffer from low thyroid function. You should use coconut oil for cooking. You should always use extra – virgin organic coconut cooking oil. Also you can add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to milk and you should drink this natural cure in the morning along with your breakfast. You should drink it every day. Also you can add this home remedy to your smoothies.

Omega – 3 fatty acids: 
If your body does not get enough Omega – 3 fatty acids, then there can be hormonal imbalance in which also is included thyroid hormones. The essential fatty acids which are found in the Omega – 3 fatty aicds are the building blocks for hormones which are controlling the immune function and cell growth. Also they help to improve the ability to respond to thyroid hormones. This is a very effective home remedy for hyperthyroidism. You can increase the amount of Omega – 3 fatty acids in your diet by eating more walnuts, flaxseeds, grass – fed animal products and fish.

Soy products: 
People who suffer from hyper thyroidism should add protein – based foods in their diets. Protein transports thyroid hormones to different body tissues. There are some studies in which is shown that a moderate concentration of soy sterols can help you to improve this condition. You should eat more soy products because they can help you in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. If you do not like to eat soy products, then you should add legumes, farmed fish, eggs, quinoa and nuts in your diet.

Natural treatment for hypo thyroidism and hyper thyroidism
This is cruciferous vegetable. It has substances known as goitrogens and isothiocyanates which help restrain the thyroid from producing too much hormone. People who suffer from hyperthyroidism should eat uncooked broccoli as much as possible. Also you can eat other cruciferous vegetables such as radishes, mustard greens, kale, kohlrabi, turnips, rutabaga, cauliflower and brussel sprouts.

This herb is also known as Leonurus cardiaca. It acts as a natural beta – blocker and it helps control palpitations and high heart rate (tachycardia). Also it has some anti – thyroid activity which is making it more beneficial for people who suffer from hyperthyroidism. You should steep ½ teaspoon of motherwort in one cup of boiling water for at least 5 minutes. You should strain this natural cure and then you should cool it. You should drink this natural cure 3 times per day. If you are taking some kind of medications, then you should not eat this herb.

Lemon balm: 
This herb is also known as Melissa officinalis and it can help you normalize an overactive thyroid by reducing TSH levels. Lemon balm has phenolic acid, flavonoids and other useful components which can regulate the thyroid. Lemon balm is effective natural treatment for hyperthyroidism. This herb can block the activity of antibodies which stimulate the thyroid gland and it causes Graves’ disease which is a very common form of hyperthyroidism. You should drink lemon balm tea because it can help you to restore activity to a healthy level. You should add 2 tablespoons of lemon balm to one cup of boiling water. You should let this natural cure to steep for about 5 minutes. You should strain it and drink this natural cure three times per day. You should start this treatment with a lesser dosage, about ½ or one teaspoon of lemon balm and you should gradually increase the amount to 2 tablespoons.

This herb is also known as Lycopusvirginica. It can help you manage mild hyperthyroidism. This herb can help you to reduce the amount of hormone which is produced by the thyroid. There are some studies in which is found that this herb can help you decrease TSH levels and impairs thyroid hormone synthesis. Also it can help you to lower T4 levels and it can block the conversion of T4 to T3. In a cup of boiling water you should put ½ teaspoon of bugleweed and it allows it to steep for several minutes. You should strain and cool. You should drink this tea once per day. Also you can take this natural cure in the form of tincture (2 to 6 ml per day). You should make a natural cure by mixing lemon balm, motherwort and bugleweed because it is highly effective in treating hyperthyroidism naturally. You should not use this herb for an enlarged thyroid gland or hypo thyroidism. Also this natural cure should not be used by breastfeeding and pregnant women.

This natural cure can be used as natural treatment for hypo thyroidism. It is a rich source of zinc, potassium and magnesium. It has anti – inflammatory properties which can help you to improve thyroid functioning. You should add fresh ginger root slices to soups and other dishes. Also you can drink 2 – 3 cups of hot ginger tea. In a cup of boiling water you should add some fresh ginger slices. Steep this herbal tea for 5 minutes and then you should add small amount of honey in it.

Evening primrose oil: 
This is a very effective home remedy for hypo thyroidism. It can help you to get a relief from conditions that are associated with hypo thyroidism such as heavy menstrual flow and hair loss.
